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Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Selamat siang! (That's- oh crud. *sigh* now I have to go look it up.... Hold on a sec... found it! Indonesian! That's Indonesian for good afternoon!) Today I went hiking with Dad and Ileana up Mount Hollywood. Needless to say... I got there first. :) Anyway. It was really cool. There was such a great view from everywhere but especially this one place called Dante's Veiw or something like that. It was fabulous! Even if it does have the name of somebody evil. There's a guy named Dante at Whitman that I absolutely loathe. Anyway. This morning I pretty much hung around. Then, as I told you we all went on a hike. When we got back I tried out the unicycle again. I actually did pretty well. I know I'm probably boring you right now so I won't go on for too much longer, but I just wanted to tell you how my day went even if nobody really cares.


  1. Dante is the name of the greek philosopher in The Divine Comedy duh everybody knows that... just kidding almost no one knows that (except for me) but it's still true... I have been watching the history channel lately.

  2. Ps: the Divine Comedy is not a comedy at all...

  3. Dante is also the name of an evil, twisted, charcoal-colored aura wearing jerk-face whose only intent in life is to ruin mine!

  4. (kidding he's not THAT bad. Only partially. He does have a pretty dark aura though.)
