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Friday, December 24, 2010

Harry Potter Mania 2!!!

See? I told you there would be more Harry Potter Manias. Anyways In the spirit of Christmastime the discussion is which is your favorite Christmas that Harry spent? Not just at Hogwarts, because number 7's Christmas was pretty cool, too. If you are going to say things that might spoil the story for those of us that *cough* haven't *cough* read the Harry Potters put in big, bold letters, at the top of your comment so those *cough* people *cough* I think they call themselves, don't have to have the stories ruined. (Me: See? I can be nice to those stupid excuses for human beings that have not read Harry Potter. I'm progressing! Thank you therapy!!! Now I don't hold anything against the people who have read (Or listened to) no. 4 and up!) Whoohoo! GO HARRY POTTER Go Harry Potter go.. Harry... Potter.. go.... yeah............... heh heh. *whistles*



  1. Um, Meg, your poll that you said that unless 10 people voted on you would stop posting has closed so it will be impossible for you to get more votes on. I implore you to continue posting because you are hilarious and witty and awesome when you post and it's kind of like hearing from my best friend so PLEASE continue!!! (No seriously, I have pals in the F.B.I. that will come meet with you if you don't post (I don't be that's not important) YOU MUST POST!!!! Meg................................please..............please*sniffles dejectedly* ....................PLEASE!!!)

  2. Okay, Aidan. You are getting kind of mixed up. Granted, I am the one mixing you up, but still. The poll thing was only to win a prize. My viewers did not get their friends to vote or vote themselves to reach ten (well really twelve, wince I accidentally voted twice) votes, so they (you) did not win the prize. The thing about stopping posting was on the Christmastime!!! post, so I suggest you check that out and you can figure that out. Until that goal has been reached, or close to it, I will only be creating drafts which I will then mass post as a thank you present.


  3. Sorry- I meant Chistmastime is Here! post.

  4. Hi Aidan... why didn't tell me meg had a blog? Hi Meg I am Max... a random person on Aidan's blog.
