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Thursday, December 23, 2010


Oh, gish! (I really do mean gish- not gosh or gush or anything. (I have been asked that many times.)) It's Christmastime again! Don't worry, I'm not planning on breaking into song just now.... maybe... No, I guess I won't as your present. There. Merry Christmas, Merry Kwanza, Happy Hanukah, have a good Stuff, Aidan, you know, the whole shamoodle. Anyways, I am so excited this Christmas! Well, I'm excited every Christmas... and really, I'm always excited... maybe I need to see somebody abut that... Well, my emotional problems aside, I hope everyone has a fantabulous Christuffukahza. Don't forget... after tomorrow, I won't be posting until those five comments on my other post come, so CHECK IT OUT AND COMMENT!!!! I think I will post again tomorrow, but I might not have enough time, seeing as it's the 24th. Anyway, have fun and comment comment comment! Also, VOTE VOTE VOTE! You only have 18/19 more hours left to vote on the poll and remember, we really want to get that ten people! Remember, there will be a prize! Now I've got to go finish getting Christmas presents together. Toodles!

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