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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hey folks, I lied!

Hello again little people that waste their lives reading my blog! In my previous post I said I wouldn't post until I got those five comments, and I meant it, but I did not phrase it correctly. What I meant to say was that after Christmas I would not post anymore until those five comments. I will still post until Christmas, don't hyperventilate.

So, you  want to know what's going on in my life? Well that isn't exactly your business, now is it? But I guess since you've been so good this year I will tell you a bit of what's going on since this is actually a blog and that is really what this whole thing is about, isn't it?

Well, let's see. Right now I am in Dad's kitchen in L.A. I'm drinking water. Not at this moment, though because don't you agree that it would be kind of hard to type while drinking water? Plus a little dangerous? You know,  "la la la la la I'm just sitting here, typing and drinking water... la la la la la. OOPSIES! I spilled water on my new computer!" *computer explodes* * person screams* *world gets taken over by cheese-eating monkeys* You know, that sort of thing. It happens every day, somebody near you could be typing while drinking water...............

So keep your friends close... and your cheese-eating monkeys closer...

Until next time...

*disappears in puff of smoke*

1 comment:

  1. hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................cheese eating what could i do with an army of those?.........take over the world? thats lame...........maybe take over germany?, i need to think about this more..............
