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Monday, November 22, 2010

My new blog!

Well this is really cool! Who knew I could write a blog? I know who... Aidan Bassett, that's who! Oh, sorry, I blew your cover... MUFFIN MAN! *large breath from all who are reading* Shout out to Aidan: Thank you for poking me and yelling at me to make my own stupid blog already. (Kidding- check out Muffin Man's blog to see what really happened) (i.e. notverymuch) Okay, so since you probably have read my about me already you should know everything about me, right? But I'm going to give you some extra stuff, just for the newcomers. Alllrighty! Don't forget to take notes, YOU WILL BE TESTED ON IT! First things first. Here's what I am. Awesome. So far your notes should look like this:

Meg Shepherd- Awesome.

I will now have a conversation with you.

Me: What are you doing?!?!?!?! *furious look on face*
You: Uhh... taking notes?
Me: Why on earth would you be doing that? You can come back here anytime for reference! You're just wasting trees by doing that! Do you have any respect for those poor chimpanzees whose Christmas trees are being cut down so they have to go live in the Christmas trees at the tree growing place where the owners capture them and put them in cages and kill them?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? *deeeeep breath*
You: I don't think chimpanzees live in pine trees.
Me: Who said anything about pine trees, dear? *concerned look on face like when talking to a person at an asylum*

There now you know about 1% of my personality. I will now describe my self.

Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5' 1 1/2"
Weight: !@#$%^&*?<>`~!
Status: Awesome!
Chair opinion: Must be COMFY! No McGonagall chairs for me.

I am really getting distracted. I think I will go and stuff my face with snow. I will shortly be back. Don't cry... it makes me feel bad.

P.S. Here are some tips to my page:
Click on the White/light blue stuff around the fish and you can feed them... SO CUTE!
The poll is a must! Vote or die.
I lie a lot. Don't treat everything in life seriously or you will never get anywhere.
Comment on everything and about everything. Or I will cry. I have been perfecting my fake crying and you will feel bad for the next week if you do not comment.
Smile a lot and use emoticons everywhere. :) :)

Toodles and Hearts!



  1. i am not my mom!
    i am me and me is i. that is who iam.

  2. What is that giant paragraph up there about? I don't want to read it.

  3. Ok i read... Which pupy this looks like Noah's arch to me?!?!?!?!?!?!?
    Good paragraph though but monkys are not commonly found in pine trees.
    (and I live in an asylum).
