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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fine, you broke me.

Candelabras! Okay, you've finally broken me. I choose to believe that you, my readers, have gone on strike from commenting because I said I wasn't going to post. At least I hope so. I choose NOT to believe that you, MY readers, have not commented either because you haven't read all of my posts faithfully (I happen to know that some of (most of) my posts have not been read at all.... (thank you page viewer setting!)) or you simply don't care and say, "Who cares? I hate her posts anyways." So yes, I am choosing NOT to believe that. Don't make me cry by telling me other wise. Because I will. Anyway. I will now mass post ALL of the drafts I have written and not posted. Most of them are boring, so don't bother reading them since you never do, anyway. *sob* Still, I probably have more drafts just saved up from this period of non-posting than Aidan does in his whole blog. :) Sorry, Aidan, but you know it's true. :) again. So get ready.... settie..... GO GO GO! READ READ READ! RAH Rah rah.... yeeeaaah..... bye.

1 comment:

  1. Wow You have so many posts on your blog... no wonder people haven't read them all.
